
Description ➡️ An ES6 string tag that makes indentation right
Original Source https://github.com/ZhouHansen/endent
License type(s)

# Endent [![stability][stability-image]][stability-index]


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[npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/endent
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[travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/indentjs/endent
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An ES6 string tag that makes indentation right, adds some key features to [dedent](https://github.com/dmnd/dedent).

## Feature

### Pretty object

import dedent from "dedent";
import endent from "endent";

var someobj = {
  contact: {
    jack: 123456,
    tom: 654321,
  color: "blue",

var somejson = '["bear", "fish", "dog", "cat"]';

var awfulTmpl = dedent`
  function store (state, emitter) {
    state["someobj"] = ${JSON.stringify(someobj, null, 2)}
    state["somejson"] = ${JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(somejson), null, 2)}
// use endent.pretty(value) when value is object or array.
var prettyTmpl = endent`
  function store (state, emitter) {
    state["someobj"] = ${endent.pretty(someobj)}
    state["somejson"] = ${somejson}

console.log(awfulTmpl + "\n\n" + prettyTmpl);

// awfulTmpl
function store(state, emitter) {
  state["someobj"] = {
contact: {
  jack: 123456,
  tom: 654321,
color: "blue",
  state["somejson"] = [

// prettyTmpl
function store(state, emitter) {
  state["someobj"] = {
    contact: {
      jack: 123456,
      tom: 654321,
    color: "blue",
  state["somejson"] = [

### Endows suitable indentation for multiline interpolation

var dependencies = ["jquery", "underscore", "bootstrap"];
var dependencyTmpl = ``;
dependencies.forEach((d, i) => {
  dependencyTmpl += `var ${d} = require("${d}")\n`;

var awfulTmpl = dedent`
  ;(function () {

var prettyTmpl = endent`
  ;(function () {

console.log(awfulTmpl + "\n\n" + prettyTmpl);

// awfulTmpl
(function () {
  var jquery = require("jquery");
var underscore = require("underscore");
var bootstrap = require("bootstrap");

// prettyTmpl
(function () {
  var jquery = require("jquery");
  var underscore = require("underscore");
  var bootstrap = require("bootstrap");

## License

Version 2.1.0